# Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Wrapper script which makes a network request. Basic Usage: network_request.py post --url --header
(optional, support multiple) --body (optional) --timeout (optional) --verbose (optional) """ import argparse import inspect import logging import socket import sys # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top # pylint: disable=g-importing-member try: from six.moves.http_client import HTTPSConnection from six.moves.http_client import HTTPConnection from six.moves.http_client import HTTPException except ImportError: from http.client import HTTPSConnection from http.client import HTTPConnection from http.client import HTTPException try: from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse # pylint: enable=g-import-not-at-top # pylint: enable=g-importing-member # Set up logger as soon as possible formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)s] %(message)s') handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Custom exit codes for known issues. # System exit codes in python are valid from 0 - 256, so we will map some common # ones here to understand successes and failures. # Uses lower ints to not collide w/ HTTP status codes that the script may return EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS = 0 EXIT_CODE_SYS_ERROR = 1 EXIT_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST_VALUES = 2 EXIT_CODE_GENERIC_HTTPLIB_ERROR = 3 EXIT_CODE_HTTP_TIMEOUT = 4 EXIT_CODE_HTTP_REDIRECT_ERROR = 5 EXIT_CODE_HTTP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 6 EXIT_CODE_HTTP_SERVER_ERROR = 7 EXIT_CODE_HTTP_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 8 MAX_EXIT_CODE = 8 # All used http verbs POST = 'POST' def unwrap_kwarg_namespace(func): """Transform a Namespace object from argparse into proper args and kwargs. For a function that will be delegated to from argparse, inspect all of the argments and extract them from the Namespace object. Args: func: the function that we are wrapping to modify behavior Returns: a new function that unwraps all of the arguments in a namespace and then delegates to the passed function with those args. """ # When we move to python 3, getfullargspec so that we can tell the # difference between args and kwargs -- then this could be used for functions # that have both args and kwargs if 'getfullargspec' in dir(inspect): argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) else: argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) # Python 2 compatibility. def wrapped(argparse_namespace=None, **kwargs): """Take a Namespace object and map it to kwargs. Inspect the argspec of the passed function. Loop over all the args that are present in the function and try to map them by name to arguments in the namespace. For keyword arguments, we do not require that they be present in the Namespace. Args: argparse_namespace: an arparse.Namespace object, the result of calling argparse.ArgumentParser().parse_args() **kwargs: keyword arguments that may be passed to the original function Returns: The return of the wrapped function from the parent. Raises: ValueError in the event that an argument is passed to the cli that is not in the set of named kwargs """ if not argparse_namespace: return func(**kwargs) reserved_namespace_keywords = ['func'] new_kwargs = {} args = argspec.args or [] for arg_name in args: passed_value = getattr(argparse_namespace, arg_name, None) if passed_value is not None: new_kwargs[arg_name] = passed_value for namespace_key in vars(argparse_namespace).keys(): # ignore namespace keywords that have been set not passed in via cli if namespace_key in reserved_namespace_keywords: continue # make sure that we haven't passed something we should be processing if namespace_key not in args: raise ValueError('CLI argument "{}" does not match any argument in ' 'function {}'.format(namespace_key, func.__name__)) return func(**new_kwargs) wrapped.__name__ = func.__name__ return wrapped class NetworkRequest(object): """A container for an network request object. This class holds on to all of the attributes necessary for making a network request via httplib. """ def __init__(self, url, method, headers, body, timeout): self.url = url.lower() self.parsed_url = urlparse(self.url) self.method = method self.headers = headers self.body = body self.timeout = timeout self.is_secure_connection = self.is_secure_connection() def execute_request(self): """"Execute the request, and get a response. Returns: an HttpResponse object from httplib """ if self.is_secure_connection: conn = HTTPSConnection(self.get_hostname(), timeout=self.timeout) else: conn = HTTPConnection(self.get_hostname(), timeout=self.timeout) conn.request(self.method, self.url, self.body, self.headers) response = conn.getresponse() return response def get_hostname(self): """Return the hostname for the url.""" return self.parsed_url.netloc def is_secure_connection(self): """Checks for a secure connection of https. Returns: True if the scheme is "https"; False if "http" Raises: ValueError when the scheme does not match http or https """ scheme = self.parsed_url.scheme if scheme == 'http': return False elif scheme == 'https': return True else: raise ValueError('The url scheme is not "http" nor "https"' ': {}'.format(scheme)) def parse_colon_delimited_options(option_args): """Parses a key value from a string. Args: option_args: Key value string delimited by a color, ex: ("key:value") Returns: Return an array with the key as the first element and value as the second Raises: ValueError: If the key value option is not formatted correctly """ options = {} if not option_args: return options for single_arg in option_args: values = single_arg.split(':') if len(values) != 2: raise ValueError('An option arg must be a single key/value pair ' 'delimited by a colon - ex: "thing_key:thing_value"') key = values[0].strip() value = values[1].strip() options[key] = value return options def make_request(request): """Makes a synchronous network request and return the HTTP status code. Args: request: a well formulated request object Returns: The HTTP status code of the network request. '1' maps to invalid request headers. """ logger.info('Sending network request -') logger.info('\tUrl: %s', request.url) logger.debug('\tMethod: %s', request.method) logger.debug('\tHeaders: %s', request.headers) logger.debug('\tBody: %s', request.body) try: response = request.execute_request() except socket.timeout: logger.exception( 'Timed out post request to %s in %d seconds for request body: %s', request.url, request.timeout, request.body) return EXIT_CODE_HTTP_TIMEOUT except (HTTPException, socket.error): logger.exception( 'Encountered generic exception in posting to %s with request body %s', request.url, request.body) return EXIT_CODE_GENERIC_HTTPLIB_ERROR status = response.status headers = response.getheaders() logger.info('Received Network response -') logger.info('\tStatus code: %d', status) logger.debug('\tResponse headers: %s', headers) if status < 200 or status > 299: logger.error('Request (%s) failed with status code %d\n', request.url, status) # If we wanted this script to support get, we need to # figure out what mechanism we intend for capturing the response return status @unwrap_kwarg_namespace def post(url=None, header=None, body=None, timeout=5, verbose=False): """Sends a post request. Args: url: The url of the request header: A list of headers for the request body: The body for the request timeout: Timeout in seconds for the request verbose: Should debug logs be displayed Returns: Return an array with the key as the first element and value as the second """ if verbose: handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: logger.info('Parsing headers: %s', header) headers = parse_colon_delimited_options(header) except ValueError: logging.exception('Could not parse the parameters with "--header": %s', header) return EXIT_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST_VALUES try: request = NetworkRequest(url, POST, headers, body, float(timeout)) except ValueError: logger.exception('Invalid request values passed into the script.') return EXIT_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST_VALUES status = make_request(request) # View exit code after running to get the http status code: 'echo $?' return status def get_argsparser(): """Returns the argument parser. Returns: Argument parser for the script. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='The script takes in the arguments of a network request. ' 'The network request is sent and the http status code will be' 'returned as the exit code.') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Commands:') post_parser = subparsers.add_parser( post.__name__, help='{} help'.format(post.__name__)) post_parser.add_argument( '--url', help='Request url. Ex: https://www.google.com/somePath/', required=True, dest='url') post_parser.add_argument( '--header', help='Request headers as a space delimited list of key ' 'value pairs. Ex: "key1:value1 key2:value2"', action='append', required=False, dest='header') post_parser.add_argument( '--body', help='The body of the network request', required=True, dest='body') post_parser.add_argument( '--timeout', help='The timeout in seconds', default=10.0, required=False, dest='timeout') post_parser.add_argument( '--verbose', help='Should verbose logging be outputted', action='store_true', default=False, required=False, dest='verbose') post_parser.set_defaults(func=post) return parser def map_http_status_to_exit_code(status_code): """Map an http status code to the appropriate exit code. Exit codes in python are valid from 0-256, so we want to map these to predictable exit codes within range. Args: status_code: the input status code that was output from the network call function Returns: One of our valid exit codes declared at the top of the file or a generic unknown error code """ if status_code <= MAX_EXIT_CODE: return status_code if status_code > 199 and status_code < 300: return EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS if status_code == 302: return EXIT_CODE_HTTP_REDIRECT_ERROR if status_code == 404: return EXIT_CODE_HTTP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR if status_code > 499: return EXIT_CODE_HTTP_SERVER_ERROR return EXIT_CODE_HTTP_UNKNOWN_ERROR def main(): """Main function to run the program. Parse system arguments and delegate to the appropriate function. Returns: A status code - either an http status code or a custom error code """ parser = get_argsparser() subparser_action = parser.parse_args() try: return subparser_action.func(subparser_action) except ValueError: logger.exception('Invalid arguments passed.') parser.print_help(sys.stderr) return EXIT_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST_VALUES return EXIT_CODE_GENERIC_HTTPLIB_ERROR if __name__ == '__main__': exit_code = map_http_status_to_exit_code(main()) sys.exit(exit_code)