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Hope_vulcanics/DEM/LIDAR-DTM-2m-2020-SK18se/Castleton_bradwell_Lidar Cl...

39 lines
782 B

DatasetHeader Begin
Version = "3.0"
DataSetType = ERStorage
DataType = Raster
ByteOrder = LSBFirst
CoordinateSpace Begin
Datum = "OSGB36"
Projection = "TMOSGB"
CoordinateType = EN
Units = "METERS"
Rotation = 0:00:00.000
CoordinateSpace End
RasterInfo Begin
CellType = IEEE4ByteReal
RegistrationCellX = 0
RegistrationCellY = 0
NullCellValue = -3.4028235e+38
CellInfo Begin
Xdimension = 2
Ydimension = 2
CellInfo End
NrOfLines = 2560
NrOfCellsPerLine = 2048
RegistrationCoord Begin
Eastings = 414692
Northings = 384722
RegistrationCoord End
NrOfBands = 3
BandId Begin
Value = "Band_0"
BandId End
BandId Begin
Value = "Band_0"
BandId End
BandId Begin
Value = "Band_0"
BandId End
RasterInfo End
DatasetHeader End