[general] ; Lines starting by ; are commented lines. ; ; Network capabilities disabled by default. ; Can be overridden with the PROJ_NETWORK=ON environment variable. ; network = on ; Can be overridden with the PROJ_NETWORK_ENDPOINT environment variable. cdn_endpoint = https://cdn.proj.org cache_enabled = on cache_size_MB = 300 cache_ttl_sec = 86400 ; Transverse Mercator (and UTM) default algorithm: auto, evenden_snyder or poder_engsager ; * evenden_snyder is the fastest, but less accurate far from central meridian ; * poder_engsager is slower, but more accurate far from central meridian ; * default will auto-select between the two above depending on the coordinate ; to transform and will use evenden_snyder if the error in doing so is below ; 0.1 mm (for an ellipsoid of the size of Earth) tmerc_default_algo = poder_engsager