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from typing import Any, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union
from import CoordinateOperationType
from pyproj.enums import ProjVersion, WktVersion
class Axis:
name: str
abbrev: str
direction: str
unit_conversion_factor: float
unit_name: str
unit_auth_code: str
unit_code: str
def __str__(self) -> str: ...
def __repr__(self) -> str: ...
class AreaOfUse:
west: float
south: float
east: float
north: float
name: str
def __str__(self) -> str: ...
def __repr__(self) -> str: ...
def bounds(self) -> tuple[float]: ...
class Base:
name: str
def remarks(self) -> str: ...
def scope(self) -> str: ...
def to_wkt(
version: Union[WktVersion, str] = WktVersion.WKT2_2019,
pretty: bool = False,
) -> str: ...
def to_json(self, pretty: bool = False, indentation: int = 2) -> str: ...
def to_json_dict(self) -> dict: ...
def __str__(self) -> str: ...
def __repr__(self) -> str: ...
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: ...
def is_exact_same(self, other: Any) -> bool: ...
class _CRSParts(Base):
def from_user_input(cls, user_input: Any) -> "_CRSParts": ...
class Ellipsoid(_CRSParts):
semi_major_metre: float
semi_minor_metre: float
is_semi_minor_computed: float
inverse_flattening: float
def from_authority(auth_name: str, code: Union[int, str]) -> "Ellipsoid": ...
def from_epsg(code: Union[int, str]) -> "Ellipsoid": ...
def from_string(ellipsoid_string: str) -> "Ellipsoid": ...
def from_json_dict(ellipsoid_dict: dict) -> "Ellipsoid": ...
def from_json(ellipsoid_json_str: str) -> "Ellipsoid": ...
def from_name(
ellipsoid_name: str, auth_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> "Ellipsoid": ...
class PrimeMeridian(_CRSParts):
longitude: float
unit_conversion_factor: str
unit_name: str
def from_authority(auth_name: str, code: Union[int, str]) -> "PrimeMeridian": ...
def from_epsg(code: Union[int, str]) -> "PrimeMeridian": ...
def from_string(prime_meridian_string: str) -> "PrimeMeridian": ...
def from_json_dict(prime_meridian_dict: dict) -> "PrimeMeridian": ...
def from_json(prime_meridian_json_str: str) -> "PrimeMeridian": ...
def from_name(
prime_meridian_name: str, auth_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> "PrimeMeridian": ...
class Datum(_CRSParts):
type_name: str
def ellipsoid(self) -> Optional[Ellipsoid]: ...
def prime_meridian(self) -> Optional[PrimeMeridian]: ...
def from_authority(auth_name: str, code: Union[int, str]) -> "Datum": ...
def from_epsg(code: Union[int, str]) -> "Datum": ...
def from_string(datum_string: str) -> "Datum": ...
def from_json_dict(datum_dict: dict) -> "Datum": ...
def from_json(datum_json_str: str) -> "Datum": ...
def from_name(datum_name: str, auth_name: Optional[str] = None) -> "Datum": ...
class CoordinateSystem(_CRSParts):
def __init__(self) -> None: ...
def axis_list(self) -> Iterable[Axis]: ...
def from_string(coordinate_system_string: str) -> "CoordinateSystem": ...
def from_json_dict(coordinate_system_dict: dict) -> "CoordinateSystem": ...
def from_json(coordinate_system_json_str: str) -> "CoordinateSystem": ...
def to_cf(self, rotated_pole: bool = False) -> List[dict]: ...
class Param:
name: str
auth_name: str
code: str
value: str
unit_conversion_factor: float
unit_name: str
unit_auth_name: str
unit_code: str
unit_category: str
def __str__(self) -> str: ...
def __repr__(self) -> str: ...
class Grid:
short_name: str
full_name: str
package_name: str
url: str
direct_download: str
open_license: str
available: str
def __str__(self) -> str: ...
def __repr__(self) -> str: ...
class CoordinateOperation(_CRSParts):
method_name: str
method_auth_name: str
method_code: str
accuracy: float
is_instantiable: bool
has_ballpark_transformation: bool
type_name: str
def params(self) -> Iterable[Param]: ...
def grids(self) -> Iterable[Grid]: ...
def area_of_use(self) -> Optional[AreaOfUse]: ...
def towgs84(self) -> Iterable[float]: ...
def operations(self) -> Tuple["CoordinateOperation"]: ...
def __init__(self) -> None: ...
def __repr__(self) -> str: ...
def from_authority(
auth_name: str, code: Union[int, str]
) -> "CoordinateOperation": ...
def from_epsg(code: Union[int, str]) -> "CoordinateOperation": ...
def from_string(ellipsoid_string: str) -> "CoordinateOperation": ...
def from_json_dict(ellipsoid_dict: dict) -> "CoordinateOperation": ...
def from_json(ellipsoid_json_str: str) -> "CoordinateOperation": ...
def to_proj4(
self, version: Union[ProjVersion, int] = ProjVersion.PROJ_5
) -> str: ...
def from_name(
coordinate_operation_name: str,
auth_name: Optional[str] = None,
coordinate_operation_type: Union[
CoordinateOperationType, str
] = CoordinateOperationType.CONVERSION,
) -> "CoordinateOperation": ...
class AuthorityMatchInfo(NamedTuple):
auth_name: str
code: str
confidence: int
class _CRS(Base):
srs: str
type_name: str
def __init__(self, proj_string: str) -> None: ...
def ellipsoid(self) -> Optional[Ellipsoid]: ...
def area_of_use(self) -> Optional[AreaOfUse]: ...
def axis_info(self) -> List[Axis]: ...
def prime_meridian(self) -> Optional[PrimeMeridian]: ...
def datum(self) -> Optional[Datum]: ...
def sub_crs_list(self) -> Iterable["_CRS"]: ...
def source_crs(self) -> Optional["_CRS"]: ...
def target_crs(self) -> Optional["_CRS"]: ...
def geodetic_crs(self) -> Optional["_CRS"]: ...
def coordinate_system(self) -> Optional[CoordinateSystem]: ...
def coordinate_operation(self) -> Optional[CoordinateOperation]: ...
def to_proj4(
self, version: Union[ProjVersion, int] = ProjVersion.PROJ_5
) -> str: ...
def to_epsg(self, min_confidence: int = 70) -> Optional[int]: ...
def to_authority(
self, auth_name: Optional[str] = None, min_confidence: int = 70
): ...
def list_authority(
self, auth_name: Optional[str] = None, min_confidence: int = 70
) -> List[AuthorityMatchInfo]: ...
def to_3d(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> "_CRS": ...
def is_geographic(self) -> bool: ...
def is_projected(self) -> bool: ...
def is_vertical(self) -> bool: ...
def is_bound(self) -> bool: ...
def is_compound(self) -> bool: ...
def is_engineering(self) -> bool: ...
def is_geocentric(self) -> bool: ...
def equals(self, other: Any, ignore_axis_order: bool) -> bool: ...
def is_proj(proj_string: str) -> bool: ...
def is_wkt(proj_string: str) -> bool: ...
def _load_proj_json(in_proj_json: str) -> dict: ...