You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

358 lines
8.7 KiB

6 months ago
using System.Collections;
using Mapbox.Unity.Utilities;
using MapboxAccountsUnity;
namespace Mapbox.Unity
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.IO;
using Mapbox.Geocoding;
using Mapbox.Directions;
using Mapbox.Platform;
using Mapbox.Platform.Cache;
using Mapbox.Unity.Telemetry;
using Mapbox.Map;
using Mapbox.MapMatching;
using Mapbox.Tokens;
using Mapbox.Platform.TilesetTileJSON;
/// <summary>
/// Object for retrieving an API token and making http requests.
/// Contains a lazy <see cref="T:Mapbox.Geocoding.Geocoder">Geocoder</see> and a lazy <see cref="T:Mapbox.Directions.Directions">Directions</see> for convenience.
/// </summary>
public class MapboxAccess : IFileSource
ITelemetryLibrary _telemetryLibrary;
CachingWebFileSource _fileSource;
public delegate void TokenValidationEvent(MapboxTokenStatus response);
public event TokenValidationEvent OnTokenValidation;
private static MapboxAccess _instance;
/// <summary>
/// The singleton instance.
/// </summary>
public static MapboxAccess Instance
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new MapboxAccess();
return _instance;
public static bool Configured;
public static string ConfigurationJSON;
private MapboxConfiguration _configuration;
private string _tokenNotSetErrorMessage = "No configuration file found! Configure your access token from the Mapbox > Setup menu.";
/// <summary>
/// The Mapbox API access token.
/// </summary>
public MapboxConfiguration Configuration
return _configuration;
if (null == _configuration || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_configuration.AccessToken))
public void SetConfiguration(MapboxConfiguration configuration, bool throwExecptions = true)
if (configuration == null)
if (throwExecptions)
throw new InvalidTokenException(_tokenNotSetErrorMessage);
if (null == configuration || string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.AccessToken))
TokenValidator.Retrieve(configuration.GetMapsSkuToken, configuration.AccessToken, (response) =>
if (OnTokenValidation != null)
if (response.Status != MapboxTokenStatus.TokenValid
&& throwExecptions)
configuration.AccessToken = string.Empty;
Debug.LogError(new InvalidTokenException(response.Status.ToString().ToString()));
_configuration = configuration;
Debug.Log("starting location service");
Configured = true;
private IEnumerator TelemetryDelay()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
Debug.Log("starting configure telemetry");
public void ClearAllCacheFiles()
// explicity call Clear() to close any connections that might be referenced by the current scene
CachingWebFileSource cwfs = _fileSource as CachingWebFileSource;
if (null != cwfs) { cwfs.Clear(); }
// remove all left over files (eg orphaned .journal) from the cache directory
string cacheDirectory = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "cache");
if (!Directory.Exists(cacheDirectory)) { return; }
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(cacheDirectory))
catch (Exception deleteEx)
Debug.LogErrorFormat("Could not delete [{0}]: {1}", file, deleteEx);
//reinit caches after clear
if (null != cwfs) { cwfs.ReInit(); }
Debug.Log("done clearing caches");
/// <summary>
/// Loads the access token from <see href="">Resources folder</see>.
/// </summary>
private void LoadAccessToken()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationJSON))
TextAsset configurationTextAsset = Resources.Load<TextAsset>(Constants.Path.MAPBOX_RESOURCES_RELATIVE);
if (null == configurationTextAsset)
throw new InvalidTokenException(_tokenNotSetErrorMessage);
ConfigurationJSON = configurationTextAsset.text;
var test = JsonUtility.FromJson<MapboxConfiguration>(ConfigurationJSON);
SetConfiguration(ConfigurationJSON == null ? null : test);
SetConfiguration(ConfigurationJSON == null ? null : Mapbox.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MapboxConfiguration>(ConfigurationJSON));
void ConfigureFileSource()
_fileSource = new CachingWebFileSource(_configuration.AccessToken, _configuration.GetMapsSkuToken, _configuration.AutoRefreshCache)
.AddCache(new MemoryCache(_configuration.MemoryCacheSize))
.AddCache(new SQLiteCache(_configuration.FileCacheSize))
void ConfigureTelemetry()
// TODO: enable after token validation has been made async
//if (
// null == _configuration
// || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_configuration.AccessToken)
// || !_tokenValid
// Debug.LogError(_tokenNotSetErrorMessage);
// return;
_telemetryLibrary = TelemetryFactory.GetTelemetryInstance();
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error initializing telemetry: {0}", ex);
public void SetLocationCollectionState(bool enable)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(Constants.Path.SHOULD_COLLECT_LOCATION_KEY, (enable ? 1 : 0));
bool GetTelemetryCollectionState()
if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(Constants.Path.SHOULD_COLLECT_LOCATION_KEY))
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(Constants.Path.SHOULD_COLLECT_LOCATION_KEY, 1);
return PlayerPrefs.GetInt(Constants.Path.SHOULD_COLLECT_LOCATION_KEY) != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Makes an asynchronous url query.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The request.</returns>
/// <param name="url">URL.</param>
/// <param name="callback">Callback.</param>
public IAsyncRequest Request(
string url
, Action<Response> callback
, int timeout = 10
, CanonicalTileId tileId = new CanonicalTileId()
, string tilesetId = null
return _fileSource.Request(url, callback, _configuration.DefaultTimeout, tileId, tilesetId);
Geocoder _geocoder;
/// <summary>
/// Lazy geocoder.
/// </summary>
public Geocoder Geocoder
if (_geocoder == null)
_geocoder = new Geocoder(new FileSource(Instance.Configuration.GetMapsSkuToken, _configuration.AccessToken));
return _geocoder;
Directions _directions;
/// <summary>
/// Lazy Directions.
/// </summary>
public Directions Directions
if (_directions == null)
_directions = new Directions(new FileSource(Instance.Configuration.GetMapsSkuToken, _configuration.AccessToken));
return _directions;
MapMatcher _mapMatcher;
/// <summary>
/// Lazy Map Matcher.
/// </summary>
public MapMatcher MapMatcher
if (_mapMatcher == null)
_mapMatcher = new MapMatcher(new FileSource(Instance.Configuration.GetMapsSkuToken, _configuration.AccessToken), _configuration.DefaultTimeout);
return _mapMatcher;
MapboxTokenApi _tokenValidator;
/// <summary>
/// Lazy token validator.
/// </summary>
public MapboxTokenApi TokenValidator
if (_tokenValidator == null)
_tokenValidator = new MapboxTokenApi();
return _tokenValidator;
TileJSON _tileJson;
/// <summary>
/// Lazy TileJSON wrapper:
/// </summary>
public TileJSON TileJSON
if (_tileJson == null)
_tileJson = new TileJSON(new FileSource(Instance.Configuration.GetMapsSkuToken, _configuration.AccessToken), _configuration.DefaultTimeout);
return _tileJson;
class InvalidTokenException : Exception
public InvalidTokenException(string message) : base(message)
public class MapboxConfiguration
[NonSerialized] private MapboxAccounts mapboxAccounts = new MapboxAccounts();
public string AccessToken;
public uint MemoryCacheSize = 500;
public uint FileCacheSize = 2500;
public int DefaultTimeout = 30;
public bool AutoRefreshCache = false;
public string GetMapsSkuToken()
return mapboxAccounts.ObtainMapsSkuUserToken(Application.persistentDataPath);