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6 months ago
namespace Mapbox.Editor
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEditor;
using Mapbox.Unity.Map;
public class VectorSubLayerTreeView : TreeView
public SerializedProperty Layers;
public VectorSubLayerTreeView(TreeViewState state)
: base(state)
showAlternatingRowBackgrounds = true;
showBorder = true;
protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot()
// The root item is required to have a depth of -1, and the rest of the items increment from that.
var root = new TreeViewItem { id = -1, depth = -1, displayName = "Root" };
var items = new List<TreeViewItem>();
var index = 0;
if (Layers != null)
for (int i = 0; i < Layers.arraySize; i++)
var name = Layers.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).FindPropertyRelative("coreOptions.sublayerName").stringValue;
items.Add(new TreeViewItem { id = index, depth = 0, displayName = name });
// Utility method that initializes the TreeViewItem.children and .parent for all items.
SetupParentsAndChildrenFromDepths(root, items);
// Return root of the tree
return root;
protected override bool CanRename(TreeViewItem item)
return true;
protected override void RenameEnded(RenameEndedArgs args)
if (Layers != null)
var layer = Layers.GetArrayElementAtIndex(args.itemID);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.newName.Trim()))
layer.FindPropertyRelative("coreOptions.sublayerName").stringValue = args.originalName;
layer.FindPropertyRelative("coreOptions.sublayerName").stringValue = args.newName;