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6 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Mapbox.Examples;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace Mapbox.Unity.MeshGeneration.Factories
using UnityEngine;
using Mapbox.Directions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Mapbox.Unity.Map;
using Data;
using Modifiers;
using Mapbox.Utils;
using Mapbox.Unity.Utilities;
using System.Collections;
public class DirectionsFactory : MonoBehaviour
public Action ArrangingWaypointsStarted = () => { };
public Action QuerySent = () => { };
public Action<Vector3[]> ArrangingWaypoints = (positions) => { };
public Action ArrangingWaypointsFinished = () => { };
public Action<Vector3, float> RouteDrawn = (midPoint, TotalLength) => { };
public RoutingProfile RoutingProfile = RoutingProfile.Driving;
[SerializeField] float RoadSizeMultiplier = 1;
[SerializeField] private AnimationCurve RoadSizeCurve;
[SerializeField] AbstractMap _map;
[SerializeField] private LineRenderer _lineRenderer;
[SerializeField] private LoftModifier _loftModifier;
[SerializeField] Material _material;
[SerializeField] Transform _waypointsParent;
//[SerializeField] private Dropdown RouteTypeDropdown;
Transform[] _waypoints;
private List<Vector3> _cachedWaypoints;
private Directions _directions;
private int _counter;
private bool _isDragging = false;
private Vector3[] _pointArray;
private Vector3 _pointUpDelta = new Vector3(0, 3, 0);
GameObject _directionsGO;
private bool _recalculateNext;
protected virtual void Awake()
if (_map == null)
_map = FindObjectOfType<AbstractMap>();
_directions = MapboxAccess.Instance.Directions;
_map.OnInitialized += Query;
_map.OnUpdated += Query;
_waypoints = new Transform[_waypointsParent.childCount];
for (int i = 0; i < _waypointsParent.childCount; i++)
_waypoints[i] = _waypointsParent.GetChild(i);
_pointArray = new Vector3[_waypoints.Length];
foreach (var wp in GetComponentsInChildren<DragableDirectionWaypoint>())
wp.MouseDown += () =>
_isDragging = true;
wp.MouseDraging += () =>
_lineRenderer.positionCount = _waypoints.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < _waypoints.Length; i++)
_pointArray[i] = _waypoints[i].position + _pointUpDelta;
wp.MouseDrop += () =>
_isDragging = false;
public void Start()
_cachedWaypoints = new List<Vector3>(_waypoints.Length);
foreach (var item in _waypoints)
_recalculateNext = false;
protected virtual void OnDestroy()
_map.OnInitialized -= Query;
_map.OnUpdated -= Query;
void Query()
var count = _waypoints.Length;
var wp = new Vector2d[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
wp[i] = _waypoints[i].GetGeoPosition(_map.CenterMercator, _map.WorldRelativeScale);
var directionResource = new DirectionResource(wp, RoutingProfile);
directionResource.Steps = true;
_directions.Query(directionResource, HandleDirectionsResponse);
void HandleDirectionsResponse(DirectionsResponse response)
if (response == null || null == response.Routes || response.Routes.Count < 1)
var meshData = new MeshData();
var unitySpacePositions = new List<Vector3>();
var totalLength = 0f;
Vector3 prevPoint = Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Zero;
foreach (var point in response.Routes[0].Geometry)
var newPoint = Conversions.GeoToWorldPosition(point.x, point.y, _map.CenterMercator, _map.WorldRelativeScale).ToVector3xz();
if (prevPoint != Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Zero)
totalLength += Vector3.Distance(prevPoint, newPoint);
prevPoint = newPoint;
var midLength = totalLength / 2;
if (_waypoints.Length > 0 && unitySpacePositions.Count > 0)
_waypoints[0].transform.position = unitySpacePositions[0];
_waypoints[_waypoints.Length - 1].transform.position = unitySpacePositions[unitySpacePositions.Count - 1];
var feat = new VectorFeatureUnity();
_loftModifier.SliceScaleMultiplier = RoadSizeCurve.Evaluate(_map.Zoom) * RoadSizeMultiplier;
_loftModifier.Run(feat, meshData, _map.WorldRelativeScale);
var midPoint = unitySpacePositions[0];
for (int i = 1; i < unitySpacePositions.Count; i++)
var dist = (unitySpacePositions[i] - unitySpacePositions[i - 1]).magnitude;
if (midLength > dist)
midLength -= dist;
midPoint = Vector3.Lerp(unitySpacePositions[i - 1], unitySpacePositions[i], (float) midLength / dist);
RouteDrawn(midPoint, totalLength / _map.WorldRelativeScale);
GameObject CreateGameObject(MeshData data)
if (_directionsGO != null)
_directionsGO = new GameObject("direction waypoint " + " entity");
if (_map != null)
var mesh = _directionsGO.AddComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
mesh.subMeshCount = data.Triangles.Count;
_counter = data.Triangles.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++)
var triangle = data.Triangles[i];
mesh.SetTriangles(triangle, i);
_counter = data.UV.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < _counter; i++)
var uv = data.UV[i];
mesh.SetUVs(i, uv);
_directionsGO.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = _material;
return _directionsGO;
public void ChangeRoutingProfile(RoutingProfile profile, bool forceQuery = true)
RoutingProfile = profile;
if (forceQuery)