namespace Mapbox.Unity.MeshGeneration.Modifiers { using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Mapbox.Unity.MeshGeneration.Data; using System; using Mapbox.Unity.Map; using Mapbox.Utils; using Mapbox.Unity.Utilities; using Mapbox.VectorTile.Geometry; using Mapbox.Unity.MeshGeneration.Interfaces; /// /// ReplaceBuildingFeatureModifier takes in POIs and checks if the feature layer has those points and deletes them /// [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Mapbox/Modifiers/Replace Feature Modifier")] public class ReplaceFeatureModifier : GameObjectModifier, IReplacementCriteria { private List _latLonToSpawn; private Dictionary _objects; private Dictionary _objectPosition; private static GameObject _poolGameObject; [SerializeField] private SpawnPrefabOptions _options; private List _prefabList = new List(); [SerializeField] [Geocode] private List _prefabLocations; [SerializeField] private List _explicitlyBlockedFeatureIds; //maximum distance to trigger feature replacement ( in tile space ) private const float _maxDistanceToBlockFeature_tilespace = 1000f; /// /// List of featureIds to test against. /// We need a list of featureIds per location. /// A list is required since buildings on tile boundary will have multiple id's for the same feature. /// private List> _featureId; private string _tempFeatureId; private static AbstractMap _abstractMap; public SpawnPrefabOptions SpawnPrefabOptions { set { _options = value; } } public List PrefabLocations { set { _prefabLocations = value; } } public List BlockedIds { set { _explicitlyBlockedFeatureIds = value; } } public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); //duplicate the list of lat/lons to track which coordinates have already been spawned _featureId = new List>(); for (int i = 0; i < _prefabLocations.Count; i++) { _featureId.Add(new List()); } if (_objects == null) { _objects = new Dictionary(); _objectPosition = new Dictionary(); if(_poolGameObject == null) { _poolGameObject = new GameObject("_inactive_prefabs_pool"); } if(_abstractMap == null) { _abstractMap = FindObjectOfType(); } if(_abstractMap != null) { _poolGameObject.transform.SetParent(_abstractMap.transform, true); } } _latLonToSpawn = new List(); foreach (var loc in _prefabLocations) { _latLonToSpawn.Add(Conversions.StringToLatLon(loc)); } } public override void SetProperties(ModifierProperties properties) { _options = (SpawnPrefabOptions)properties; } public override void FeaturePreProcess(VectorFeatureUnity feature) { int index = -1; foreach (var point in _prefabLocations) { try { index++; var coord = Conversions.StringToLatLon(point); if (feature.ContainsLatLon(coord) && (feature.Data.Id != 0)) { _featureId[index] = (_featureId[index] == null) ? new List() : _featureId[index]; _tempFeatureId = feature.Data.Id.ToString(); string idCandidate = (_tempFeatureId.Length <= 3) ? _tempFeatureId : _tempFeatureId.Substring(0, _tempFeatureId.Length - 3); _featureId[index].Add(idCandidate); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } } /// /// Check the feature against the list of lat/lons in the modifier /// /// true, if the feature overlaps with a lat/lon in the modifier false otherwise. /// Feature. public bool ShouldReplaceFeature(VectorFeatureUnity feature) { int index = -1; //preventing spawning of explicitly blocked features foreach (var blockedId in _explicitlyBlockedFeatureIds) { if (feature.Data.Id.ToString() == blockedId) { return true; } } foreach (var point in _prefabLocations) { try { index++; if (_featureId[index] != null) { foreach (var featureId in _featureId[index]) { var latlngVector = Conversions.StringToLatLon(point); var from = Conversions.LatLonToMeters(latlngVector.x, latlngVector.y); var to = new Vector2d((feature.Points[0][0].x / feature.Tile.TileScale) + feature.Tile.Rect.Center.x, (feature.Points[0][0].z / feature.Tile.TileScale) + feature.Tile.Rect.Center.y); var dist = Vector2d.Distance(from, to); if (dist > 500) { return false; } if (feature.Data.Id.ToString().StartsWith(featureId, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { return true; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } return false; } public override void Run(VectorEntity ve, UnityTile tile) { //replace the feature only once per lat/lon Vector2d latLong =; if (ShouldSpawnFeature(ve.Feature, out latLong)) { SpawnPrefab(ve, tile, latLong); } } private void SpawnPrefab(VectorEntity ve, UnityTile tile, Vector2d latLong) { GameObject go; var featureId = ve.Feature.Data.Id; if (_objects.ContainsKey(featureId)) { go = _objects[featureId]; go.SetActive(true); go.transform.SetParent(ve.GameObject.transform, false); } else { go = Instantiate(_options.prefab); _prefabList.Add(go); _objects.Add(featureId, go); _objectPosition.Add(featureId, latLong); go.transform.SetParent(ve.GameObject.transform, false); } PositionScaleRectTransform(ve, tile, go, latLong); if (_options.AllPrefabsInstatiated != null) { _options.AllPrefabsInstatiated(_prefabList); } } public void PositionScaleRectTransform(VectorEntity ve, UnityTile tile, GameObject go, Vector2d latLong) { go.transform.localScale = _options.prefab.transform.localScale; RectTransform goRectTransform; IFeaturePropertySettable settable = null; var latLongPosition = new Vector3(); var centroidVector = new Vector3(); foreach (var point in ve.Feature.Points[0]) { centroidVector += point; } centroidVector = centroidVector / ve.Feature.Points[0].Count; latLongPosition = Conversions.LatitudeLongitudeToUnityTilePosition(latLong, tile.CurrentZoom, tile.TileScale, 4096).ToVector3xz(); latLongPosition.y = centroidVector.y; = ve.Feature.Data.Id.ToString(); goRectTransform = go.GetComponent(); if (goRectTransform == null) { go.transform.localPosition = centroidVector; } else { goRectTransform.anchoredPosition3D = centroidVector; } settable = go.GetComponent(); if (settable != null) { settable.Set(ve.Feature.Properties); } if (_options.scaleDownWithWorld) { go.transform.localScale = (go.transform.localScale * (tile.TileScale)); } } /// /// Checks if the feature should be used to spawn a prefab, once per lat/lon /// /// true, if the feature should be spawned false otherwise. /// Feature. private bool ShouldSpawnFeature(VectorFeatureUnity feature, out Vector2d latLong) { latLong =; if (feature == null) { return false; } if (_objects.ContainsKey(feature.Data.Id)) { _objectPosition.TryGetValue(feature.Data.Id, out latLong); _latLonToSpawn.Remove(latLong); return true; } foreach (var point in _latLonToSpawn) { if (feature.ContainsLatLon(point)) { _latLonToSpawn.Remove(point); latLong = point; return true; } } return false; } public override void OnPoolItem(VectorEntity vectorEntity) { base.OnPoolItem(vectorEntity); var featureId = vectorEntity.Feature.Data.Id; if (!_objects.ContainsKey(featureId)) { return; } var go = _objects[featureId]; if (go == null || _poolGameObject == null) { return; } go.SetActive(false); go.transform.SetParent(_poolGameObject.transform, false); } public override void Clear() { foreach (var gameObject in _objects.Values) { gameObject.Destroy(); } _objects.Clear(); _objectPosition.Clear(); _poolGameObject.Destroy(); } } }