namespace Mapbox.Unity.MeshGeneration.Modifiers { using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Mapbox.Unity.MeshGeneration.Data; using System; using Mapbox.Unity.Map; using Mapbox.Utils; /// /// UV Modifier works only with (and right after) Polygon Modifier and not with Line Mesh Modifier. /// If UseSatelliteRoof parameter is false, it creates a tiled UV map, otherwise it creates a stretched UV map. /// [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Mapbox/Modifiers/UV Modifier")] public class UvModifier : MeshModifier { UVModifierOptions _options; public override ModifierType Type { get { return ModifierType.Preprocess; } } private int _mdVertexCount; private Vector2d _size; private Vector3 _vert; private List _uv = new List(); #region Atlas Fields private AtlasEntity _currentFacade; private Quaternion _textureDirection; private Vector2[] _textureUvCoordinates; private Vector3 _vertexRelativePos; private Vector3 _firstVert; private float minx; private float miny; private float maxx; private float maxy; #endregion public override void SetProperties(ModifierProperties properties) { _options = (UVModifierOptions)properties; _options.PropertyHasChanged += UpdateModifier; } public override void UnbindProperties() { _options.PropertyHasChanged -= UpdateModifier; } public override void Run(VectorFeatureUnity feature, MeshData md, UnityTile tile = null) { if (md.Vertices.Count == 0 || feature == null || feature.Points.Count < 1) { return; } _uv.Clear(); _mdVertexCount = md.Vertices.Count; _size = md.TileRect.Size; if (_options.texturingType != UvMapType.Atlas && _options.texturingType != UvMapType.AtlasWithColorPalette) { for (int i = 0; i < _mdVertexCount; i++) { _vert = md.Vertices[i]; if ( == StyleTypes.Satellite) { var fromBottomLeft = new Vector2((float)(((_vert.x + md.PositionInTile.x) / tile.TileScale + _size.x / 2) / _size.x), (float)(((_vert.z + md.PositionInTile.z) / tile.TileScale + _size.x / 2) / _size.x)); _uv.Add(fromBottomLeft); } else if (_options.texturingType == UvMapType.Tiled) { _uv.Add(new Vector2(_vert.x, _vert.z)); } } } else if (_options.texturingType == UvMapType.Atlas || _options.texturingType == UvMapType.AtlasWithColorPalette) { _currentFacade = _options.atlasInfo.Roofs[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, _options.atlasInfo.Roofs.Count)]; minx = float.MaxValue; miny = float.MaxValue; maxx = float.MinValue; maxy = float.MinValue; _textureUvCoordinates = new Vector2[_mdVertexCount]; _textureDirection = Quaternion.FromToRotation((md.Vertices[0] - md.Vertices[1]), Mapbox.Unity.Constants.Math.Vector3Right); _textureUvCoordinates[0] = new Vector2(0, 0); _firstVert = md.Vertices[0]; for (int i = 1; i < _mdVertexCount; i++) { _vert = md.Vertices[i]; _vertexRelativePos = _vert - _firstVert; _vertexRelativePos = _textureDirection * _vertexRelativePos; _textureUvCoordinates[i] = new Vector2(_vertexRelativePos.x, _vertexRelativePos.z); if (_vertexRelativePos.x < minx) minx = _vertexRelativePos.x; if (_vertexRelativePos.x > maxx) maxx = _vertexRelativePos.x; if (_vertexRelativePos.z < miny) miny = _vertexRelativePos.z; if (_vertexRelativePos.z > maxy) maxy = _vertexRelativePos.z; } var width = maxx - minx; var height = maxy - miny; for (int i = 0; i < _mdVertexCount; i++) { _uv.Add(new Vector2( (((_textureUvCoordinates[i].x - minx) / width) * _currentFacade.TextureRect.width) + _currentFacade.TextureRect.x, (((_textureUvCoordinates[i].y - miny) / height) * _currentFacade.TextureRect.height) + _currentFacade.TextureRect.y)); } } md.UV[0].AddRange(_uv); } } }