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namespace Mapbox.Platform.Cache
using System;
using Mapbox.Platform;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mapbox.Unity.Utilities;
using Mapbox.Map;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
public class CachingWebFileSource : IFileSource, IDisposable
private string _className;
private bool _disposed;
private List<ICache> _caches = new List<ICache>();
private string _accessToken;
private Func<string> _getMapsSkuToken;
private bool _autoRefreshCache;
public CachingWebFileSource(string accessToken, Func<string> getMapsSkuToken, bool autoRefreshCache)
_className = this.GetType().Name;
_accessToken = accessToken;
_getMapsSkuToken = getMapsSkuToken;
_autoRefreshCache = autoRefreshCache;
#region idisposable
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposeManagedResources)
if (!_disposed)
if (disposeManagedResources)
for (int i = 0; i < _caches.Count; i++)
IDisposable cache = _caches[i] as IDisposable;
if (null != cache)
cache = null;
_disposed = true;
/// <summary>
/// Add an ICache instance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cache">Implementation of ICache</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public CachingWebFileSource AddCache(ICache cache)
// don't add cache when cache size is 0
if (0 == cache.MaxCacheSize)
return this;
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Clear all caches
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
foreach (var cache in _caches)
public void ReInit() {
foreach (var cache in _caches)
public IAsyncRequest Request(
string uri
, Action<Response> callback
, int timeout = 10
, CanonicalTileId tileId = new CanonicalTileId()
, string tilesetId = null
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tilesetId))
throw new Exception("Cannot cache without a tileset id");
CacheItem cachedItem = null;
// go through existing caches and check if we already have the requested tile available
foreach (var cache in _caches)
cachedItem = cache.Get(tilesetId, tileId);
if (null != cachedItem)
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(uri);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_accessToken))
string accessTokenQuery = "access_token=" + _accessToken;
string mapsSkuToken = "sku=" + _getMapsSkuToken();
if (uriBuilder.Query != null && uriBuilder.Query.Length > 1)
uriBuilder.Query = uriBuilder.Query.Substring(1) + "&" + accessTokenQuery + "&" + mapsSkuToken;
uriBuilder.Query = accessTokenQuery + "&" + mapsSkuToken;
string finalUrl = uriBuilder.ToString();
string methodName = _className + "." + new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame().GetMethod().Name;
// if tile was available call callback with it, propagate to all other caches and check if a newer one is available
if (null != cachedItem)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} {2} {3}", methodName, tilesetId, tileId, null != cachedItem.Data ? cachedItem.Data.Length.ToString() : "cachedItem.Data is NULL");
// immediately return cached tile
// check for updated tiles online if this is enabled in the settings
if (_autoRefreshCache)
// check if tile on the web is newer than the one we already have locally
(Response headerOnly) =>
// on error getting information from API just return. tile we have locally has already been returned above
if (headerOnly.HasError)
// TODO: remove Debug.Log before PR
// "{1}{0}cached:{2}{0}header:{3}"
// , Environment.NewLine
// , finalUrl
// , cachedItem.ETag
// , headerOnly.Headers["ETag"]
// data from cache is the same as on the web:
// * tile has already been returned above
// * make sure all all other caches have it too, but don't force insert via cache.add(false)
// additional ETag empty check: for backwards compability with old caches
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cachedItem.ETag) && cachedItem.ETag.Equals(headerOnly.Headers["ETag"]))
foreach (var cache in _caches)
cache.Add(tilesetId, tileId, cachedItem, false);
// TODO: remove Debug.Log before PR
"updating cached tile {1} tilesetId:{2}{0}cached etag:{3}{0}remote etag:{4}{0}{5}"
, Environment.NewLine
, tileId
, tilesetId
, cachedItem.ETag
, headerOnly.Headers["ETag"]
, finalUrl
// request updated tile and pass callback to return new data to subscribers
requestTileAndCache(finalUrl, tilesetId, tileId, timeout, callback);
, timeout
, HttpRequestType.Head
return new MemoryCacheAsyncRequest(uri);
// requested tile is not in any of the caches yet, get it
UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} {2} not cached", methodName, tilesetId, tileId);
return requestTileAndCache(finalUrl, tilesetId, tileId, timeout, callback);
private IAsyncRequest requestTileAndCache(string url, string tilesetId, CanonicalTileId tileId, int timeout, Action<Response> callback)
return IAsyncRequestFactory.CreateRequest(
(Response r) =>
// if the request was successful add tile to all caches
if (!r.HasError && null != r.Data)
string eTag = string.Empty;
DateTime? lastModified = null;
if (!r.Headers.ContainsKey("ETag"))
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("no 'ETag' header present in response for {0}", url);
eTag = r.Headers["ETag"];
// not all APIs populate 'Last-Modified' header
// don't log error if it's missing
if (r.Headers.ContainsKey("Last-Modified"))
lastModified = DateTime.ParseExact(r.Headers["Last-Modified"], "r", null);
// propagate to all caches forcing update
foreach (var cache in _caches)
, tileId
, new CacheItem()
Data = r.Data,
ETag = eTag,
LastModified = lastModified
, true // force insert/update
if (null != callback)
r.IsUpdate = true;
}, timeout);
class MemoryCacheAsyncRequest : IAsyncRequest
public string RequestUrl { get; private set; }
public MemoryCacheAsyncRequest(string requestUrl)
RequestUrl = requestUrl;
public bool IsCompleted
return true;
public HttpRequestType RequestType { get { return HttpRequestType.Get; } }
public void Cancel()
// Empty. We can't cancel an instantaneous response.